Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Long week/weekend in Barcelona

Hey everyone,
Sorry about the delayed blog post, I have been extremely busy in Barcelona. After Amsterdam, I have spent the entire week in Barcelona. It was really nice to relax (somewhat) after such a crazy weekend in Amsterdam. On Monday we night, we lost our first soccer game, so our record is now 2-1. Go Martillos!During the week, I went to school and spent afternoons with friends: eating, drinking, socializing, and exploring the city. Thursday night, my roommates and I went out to a club called Otto Zutz, which turned was a very fun night except for waking up at 7:30 AM the following morning.
On Friday, our program took us on a full day excursion to Girona, which is a city located about 1 hour in bus from Barcelona, and to visit the town Figures in which holds the Dali Museum. The Dali Museum was absolutely stunning, and had such abstract art. We spent the entire morning exploring the Dali Museum, and then ate lunch in the small town of Figures. In the latter part of the afternoon, we traveled to Girona, and explored the old city. This was really nice, although the weather was not great. I had a great day, but went straight home and slept for a straight 13 hours, which is not normal for anyone, especially for me.
Saturday night was one of the most memorable nights I have had in Barcelona. Our entire program went to the FC Barcelona "Futbol" game, which was an absolute blast. I had already been to one game, but this was so fun as I was with a group of friends, and we were as loud as can be. After the game, which ended at midnight, I needed to get home and sleep, as this week, is very demanding, scholastically.
Sunday and Monday, I spent a combined total of 15 hours in starbucks studying for 3 midterms. The hardest and most demanding of the three, I took this morning (Tuesday), and I believe the effort paid off. Tomorrow (Wednesday), I have a Business Ethics midterm, in which I must write a 5 page essay on a case study, and Thursday I have an International Business midterm, which should not be that bad. SO... This week is not extremely exciting, as it is the first time I have spent a significant amount of time dedicated to my studies. I guess I am fine with this for one week of my time here, but it has been so nice not to stress about hard classes, like at Cal Poly.
This weekend there are a lot of Cal Poly students who study abroad that will be in Barcelona. Halloween was only adopted here about 5 years ago, so it is not very popular, but we still plan to dress up on the 31st. I will be spending the entire weekend in Barcelona, and my friend Lindsay will be staying with me, so I am really looking forward to it. I will be celebrating the completition of my hard week.
Love everyone.... Praying for Zoey......

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