Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Weekend in Madrid

Hi All,

Sorry for the delayed post on my weekend in Madrid. I got back Monday morning and have had a busy week with school, so have not had the time to post on the blog. On Thursday night, I went out with all of my roommates and had a great night in Barcelona, which started with a great dinner paid for by Bryan Barth's roommate, which was a great time. It was so nice to be around a mother, made me feel somewhat "closer" to home. Friday was a great day in Barcelona, and the weather was too nice to get on an 8 hour bus, so I spent the entire day at the beach and enjoyed the day with friends. Friday night, at midnight, I departed on an 8 hour bus to Madrid, the capital of Spain. The long bus was incredibly affordable, but awful, as it took 8 hours and the fat man next to me snored and took most of the room on the seat.

I arrived in Madrid on Saturday morning by myself, and was greeted by a friend Caitlin who lives in Madrid. Although the weather was not great, pouring and cloudy, we spent the ENTIRE day touring around the city and visiting historical destinations. In the afternoon, I met my roommate Bryan Barth and his family and visited The Prado Museum. This was a wonderful historical art museum, and was amazing to see some of the art. I then met up with 2 friends who study in Barcelona, Emily and Allison, and took a tour of the Madrid futbol team stadium. It was fascinating as we were able to tour the loker room and sit on the field. After the long day, I took a nap and got ready for the night, which took an unexpected turn. It started absolutely pouring, and we ended up hanging out a local bar and never making it to the club.

Sunday, is a day I will remember for the rest of my life. I started the morning off by going to the local "market", in which locals sell their goods. It was great to experience the culture and I bought a few gifts. I then went to my first ever BULL FIGHT. This was absolutely shocking, and very bloody. I have never seen something so crewl with my own eyes, but it is a tradition and part of their culture so I did not want to miss it. I saw 6 different matches, which meant 6 different bulls slaughtered. If you want more details/pictures/movies, I would be more than happy to share them with you, but for my MOM's sake I will stop here. That was the end of my weekend, I departed on Sunday night arriving in Barcelona on Monday morning. I had a great weekend, and really liked Madrid. I feel as though people were somewhat more welcoming, but I still love Barcelona.
This week so far has been really busy. As I mentioned before, my roommates and I, plus two other random guys, are a team in a soccer league. Our team name is Los Martillos, and our record is 2-0. Our next game is Monday after we return from Amsterdam, so I hope we continue are winning streak. The team we play is supposed to be the best, so I will update everyone along with a recap of the weekend. Also, today I had a Spanish test and did extremely well, so everything seems to be going well. Miss everyone, and hope this is not to long/boring.

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