Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Long week/weekend in Barcelona

Hey everyone,
Sorry about the delayed blog post, I have been extremely busy in Barcelona. After Amsterdam, I have spent the entire week in Barcelona. It was really nice to relax (somewhat) after such a crazy weekend in Amsterdam. On Monday we night, we lost our first soccer game, so our record is now 2-1. Go Martillos!During the week, I went to school and spent afternoons with friends: eating, drinking, socializing, and exploring the city. Thursday night, my roommates and I went out to a club called Otto Zutz, which turned was a very fun night except for waking up at 7:30 AM the following morning.
On Friday, our program took us on a full day excursion to Girona, which is a city located about 1 hour in bus from Barcelona, and to visit the town Figures in which holds the Dali Museum. The Dali Museum was absolutely stunning, and had such abstract art. We spent the entire morning exploring the Dali Museum, and then ate lunch in the small town of Figures. In the latter part of the afternoon, we traveled to Girona, and explored the old city. This was really nice, although the weather was not great. I had a great day, but went straight home and slept for a straight 13 hours, which is not normal for anyone, especially for me.
Saturday night was one of the most memorable nights I have had in Barcelona. Our entire program went to the FC Barcelona "Futbol" game, which was an absolute blast. I had already been to one game, but this was so fun as I was with a group of friends, and we were as loud as can be. After the game, which ended at midnight, I needed to get home and sleep, as this week, is very demanding, scholastically.
Sunday and Monday, I spent a combined total of 15 hours in starbucks studying for 3 midterms. The hardest and most demanding of the three, I took this morning (Tuesday), and I believe the effort paid off. Tomorrow (Wednesday), I have a Business Ethics midterm, in which I must write a 5 page essay on a case study, and Thursday I have an International Business midterm, which should not be that bad. SO... This week is not extremely exciting, as it is the first time I have spent a significant amount of time dedicated to my studies. I guess I am fine with this for one week of my time here, but it has been so nice not to stress about hard classes, like at Cal Poly.
This weekend there are a lot of Cal Poly students who study abroad that will be in Barcelona. Halloween was only adopted here about 5 years ago, so it is not very popular, but we still plan to dress up on the 31st. I will be spending the entire weekend in Barcelona, and my friend Lindsay will be staying with me, so I am really looking forward to it. I will be celebrating the completition of my hard week.
Love everyone.... Praying for Zoey......

Monday, October 20, 2008

Amsterdam, Holland

Hi Everyone,
First and foremost, I am so happy for my cousin Hayden, who got married over the weekend. I was supposed to be there, but unfortunately due to my programs strict attendance policy, and the airlines lack of flexibility to change the dates so I would avoid missing class, I was not able to make the journey. I was pretty bummed that I could not make it, but was there in spirit, and hear it was a wonderful and joyous occasion.
This weekend, I traveled to Amsterdam, Holland which was quite an experience. What a beautiful country, and so nice to breathe fresh air again. I appreciate traveling so much, especially when not in a huge city. The weekend was very fun, and I traveled with 4 of my roommates, and met a friend who studies in France. We spent Friday exploring the city, and visiting many of the local tourist spots. Amsterdam is extremely unique, as there are hundreds of "coffee shops" which sell marijuana, and it is 110% LEGAL. Coming from the United States or any other country, this was an extreme culture shock. We spent the day getting accustumed to the vastly different culture, and then finally found our hostel (inexpensive hotel).
This was by far the worst place I have ever slept in, as it was an underground room with walls, which did not even reach the top of the ceiling, so we could hear everyone in the surrounding rooms. The beds were absolutely horrible, and had holes in them, and it was not clean, and the sign read: "BEWARE OF MOUSE/RATS." However, this is part of traveling, and turned out to be a funny story, although most of our backs feel horrible.
Friday night, we ate dinner at a local Thai restaurant, which was delicious, and then went to a comedy show. This was really fun, as it was an improv show, and some of our suggestions became integral part of the comedians acts. We also hung out with one of the comedians after the show, which was very funny.
Saturday we woke up early, to people talking in the rooms around ours in the hostel, and started our day. We had breakfast, and then spent the day at Vondel Park, which is very famous. The area was unreal, with the most beautiful lakes, trees, and greens, and so nice to be in the nature, unlike Barcelona. In the later afternoon, we walked around the city and the flower mart, which is filled with tourist and people from around the world.
Saturday night, was a night to remember. We ate dinner at an Indian restaurant, which was AMAZING, and drank beers. We then heading to the Red Light District, which most of you have heard about. It is true, "drugs, prostitution, sex shows, and alcohol" everywhere and completely legal. Don't worry, I was a good boy as I care about my health and come from a good background, but is fascinated to experience a culture which is so open to everything, as long as it is contained in a certain environment. Girls are in the windows with red lights surrounding them, trying to solicist themselves to every man/woman/dwarf that walks by. Quite interesting and amusing. Yes, i made it home spending minimal money and not doing drugs/ making any mistakes..
Sunday we had the entire day to visit the cultural aspects of the city, which I always like. We started the morning by visiting the house, which is now a historical museum, of Anne Frank. I am sure most of you know who she is, but for clarification she is a famous young author who experienced the holocaust, and unfortunately was killed. Her diary, now The Diary of Anne Frank, was published, and is one of the most famous books of all times. Witnessing her house and reading about her story, as well as being able to visualize what happened, was actually quite emotional. I feel badly for all the victims of the holocaust, and appriciate my life so much. After this, we raced over to the Van Gogh museum, which was incredible. I am not a big art person, but was extremely intriguied by his masterpeices, and loved spending a few hours there.
Sunday late afternoon, we tried to go to the Henekien factory, but it was closed for renevations, which was kind of a bummer, but we went suvineor shopping, and then ate our final meal in Amsterdam, a local chinese restaurant. Overall, it was a great once in a life time experience and trip, and I love experiencing the different cultures. Amsterdam was by far one of the most drastic differently cultures I have yet to experience.
As for this week, I have a lot of work coming up the next 2 weeks, so it will be nice to get on top of that. This weekend, our whole house stays in Barcelona, as we have excursions with our program, in which I will eloborate and update on later. Tonight, Monday Night, we have a huge soccer game in which we play the only other undefeated team in the league, so please wish us luck. I will let you know the verdict.
As I end this blog, I want to thank everyone who sends me e-mails, its awesome to hear back from those who I love and miss. Johnny and his family are always in my thoughts, so if your reading this I love you JC. On another sadder note, Alex Okano, a friend from high school is in serious condition after an accident at school, so I pray for a speedy and complete recovery for him.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Weekend in Madrid

Hi All,

Sorry for the delayed post on my weekend in Madrid. I got back Monday morning and have had a busy week with school, so have not had the time to post on the blog. On Thursday night, I went out with all of my roommates and had a great night in Barcelona, which started with a great dinner paid for by Bryan Barth's roommate, which was a great time. It was so nice to be around a mother, made me feel somewhat "closer" to home. Friday was a great day in Barcelona, and the weather was too nice to get on an 8 hour bus, so I spent the entire day at the beach and enjoyed the day with friends. Friday night, at midnight, I departed on an 8 hour bus to Madrid, the capital of Spain. The long bus was incredibly affordable, but awful, as it took 8 hours and the fat man next to me snored and took most of the room on the seat.

I arrived in Madrid on Saturday morning by myself, and was greeted by a friend Caitlin who lives in Madrid. Although the weather was not great, pouring and cloudy, we spent the ENTIRE day touring around the city and visiting historical destinations. In the afternoon, I met my roommate Bryan Barth and his family and visited The Prado Museum. This was a wonderful historical art museum, and was amazing to see some of the art. I then met up with 2 friends who study in Barcelona, Emily and Allison, and took a tour of the Madrid futbol team stadium. It was fascinating as we were able to tour the loker room and sit on the field. After the long day, I took a nap and got ready for the night, which took an unexpected turn. It started absolutely pouring, and we ended up hanging out a local bar and never making it to the club.

Sunday, is a day I will remember for the rest of my life. I started the morning off by going to the local "market", in which locals sell their goods. It was great to experience the culture and I bought a few gifts. I then went to my first ever BULL FIGHT. This was absolutely shocking, and very bloody. I have never seen something so crewl with my own eyes, but it is a tradition and part of their culture so I did not want to miss it. I saw 6 different matches, which meant 6 different bulls slaughtered. If you want more details/pictures/movies, I would be more than happy to share them with you, but for my MOM's sake I will stop here. That was the end of my weekend, I departed on Sunday night arriving in Barcelona on Monday morning. I had a great weekend, and really liked Madrid. I feel as though people were somewhat more welcoming, but I still love Barcelona.
This week so far has been really busy. As I mentioned before, my roommates and I, plus two other random guys, are a team in a soccer league. Our team name is Los Martillos, and our record is 2-0. Our next game is Monday after we return from Amsterdam, so I hope we continue are winning streak. The team we play is supposed to be the best, so I will update everyone along with a recap of the weekend. Also, today I had a Spanish test and did extremely well, so everything seems to be going well. Miss everyone, and hope this is not to long/boring.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tina Cirelle

Hi everyone. I just wanted to let everyone know that one of my best friends Mom's has passed away this afternoon. Please pray for Johnny, and his family, as this is a very emotional time for him. I feel very bad this evening, and hope he will be OK. Other than that, I am feeling much better, and traveling to Madrid on Saturday, and will update with a much happier blog soon.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Recap of San Sebastian

Hey Everyone,
Its so hard to write these blogs, and try to recap such a great weekend in only a few words. My roommates and I, along with a group of 5 girls, all departed Barcelona on an overnight train to San Sebastian, which is located in the North Basque region of Spain. The overnight train was quite an interesting experience, especially sleeping 2 feet away from a stranger, and a bunkbed with 3 beds on top of one another. However, I took a sleeping pill and awoke in the early hours of Friday morning, in San Sebastian. San Sebastian is a small beach town, and of course the second we arrive it starts pouring rain and hailing.
We check into our hostel, Olga's place, which turned out to be one of the highlights of the trip. The lady who runs the hostel, Olga, was a Russian lady who was absolutely hilarious, and made our experience welcoming and entertaining. Back to our first morning in San Sebastian, we hung out in the hostel and played poker with our group and others, and hung around. Once the rain/hail calmed down, we walked around the small town of San Sebastian, and ate "Tappas" which is a local food, sort of bite-sized foods. I was not feeling good, so did not indulge very much, but heard that they were very tasty. For dinner, we ate at the local Chinese restaurant, which was extremely delicious, and entertaining. As I have not been feeling great, I decided to take it easy and hang out with locals in the hostel, and take the night to relax.
Saturday morning we all awoke somewhat early, as in 11 AM. San Sebastian, aswell as Spain in general, does not start there days untill 9-10 AM, which is a complete change/luxury compared to the States. In the morning, we all went to a local cafe and ordered coffee's and pastries, and ended up eating lunch at one of the worst restaurants ever, which was supposed to be "American Food." After we fueled up, we decided to take a walk to the "Ciudad Vieja" which means the old city. On a hill, there is a statue of Jesus, and a historical park, in which we hiked to. The area and views were unreal, so beautiful and such a nice change from the busy/populated city of Barcelona. After sitting at one of the most beautiful outlook spots I have ever witnessed for several hours, we hiked down from the monument and continued exploring the city.
I really enjoyed the later part of the afternoon, walking around with only 2 of my roommates and I was able to meet/converse with several locals in Spanish, and receive dinner recomendations. I was able to converse with one local couple for a good amount of time, and they took us around the city to find a dinner spot. They recomended a small local restaurant, in which sat about 50 people. When we arrived at our reservation at 10PM, the restaurant was completely full/extremely hot, and filled with a group of 30 men celebrating a bachelor party. It was a nice change, because we were finally not the loudest group in the establishment. The atmosphere was great, food, well..... not so great, but usual for Spain, unfortunately.
Then theres Saturday night.... Such a fun night. Navigating around a small town with hundreds of bars next to each other. Its also great that its a small town, as locals are much more inclined to talk to us Americans, as well as the Spanish girls. Speaking of Spanish girls, we left on a 9 hour train Sunday morning, which I thought was going to be one of the most miserable waste of 9 hours ever. It turned out to be extremely interesting, and entertaining. As you all now I am not very shy, and there was a gentleman behind us talking with 2 very attractive ladies. He had a very deep voice, so I asked him in Spanish if he was a Opera Singer. From that moment on, our specific train car was singing, dancing, and laughing, for the majority of the 9 hours. I spent most my time talking to one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met, who is from Barcelona. I conversed in Spanish, and although she corrected my grammer and conjucations many times, we were able to communicate, and I hope to see her in the very near future. I will update everyone on the status of that situation......
Ok... that was my weekend. Today, Monday, I had my first real assignment, which was a presentation on Business Ethics, in which I did extremely well on. Tomorrow is our first soccer game, in which our team, plays the CEA (school) advisiors and teachers. I will let everyone who wins the game. This coming weekend I may travel to Madrid, and I cannot wait. Hope everything is good in the states.
On a sadder note, please pray for Johnny Cirele, one of my best friends, as his Mom is on her way to a better place, and he needs all the love and prayers.....

Friday, October 3, 2008

San Sebastian

Hey Everyone,
Hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed my last blog about Oktoberfest. Today is friday, I believe October 3rd, and I am sitting on a computer in a hostel in San Sebastian, which is an unbelievable beach town in the North of Spain. It is one of the most beautiful places in spain, and is voted one of the top 10 honeymoon destinations in the world. Unfortunately, the weather is particularly bad and raining, but we are still enjoying ourselves and relaxing.
As for my week, I have experienced my first unfortunate events in the month I have lived abroad. I hate to talk about bad news, but this blog is meant for everyone to be kept up with my travels, and mood. I have had broncitis and been pretty ill this week, and cant seem to fight the sickness. On top of this, one of my best friend´s Mom, Johnny Cirelle, has been diagnosed with cancer about 2 years ago and is not doing good. I feel very sad about this, and this has effected my week. If everyone could keep Johnny and his family in your prayers, it would be much appriciated. Also keep me in your prayers, so i can feel better and get back to myself.
This weekend has been perfect for me, I have had time to reflect on my experiences and be appriciative of everything I have, my family, friends, and health(except for the bronictis.) I look outside and see the ocean, although its pouring rain, and feel so grateful to be abroad and be able to experience Europe. When I get back this week to Barcelona, I have a quiz and presentation on Monday, and hope to do very well on them. Also, when we get back Sunday night, it is our house ritual to go to the local irish bar and drink and see Karoke. I have some very funny videos of us seeing songs, and will show you when I get back home.
I will stop updating you on my life, I hope to have a great rest of the trip here in San Sebastian. Also, thanks to Dad and Jon for fixing/mailing my broken camera back to Spain, your efforts DO NOT go unnoticed. Miss everyone, and hope my next update will be filled with positive and happy news.