Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Interlaken, Switzerland

Where to begin after such an exciting weekend in Interlaken, Switzerland. First and foremost, it was definately one of the most amazing places I have yet to visit, and had an amazing balance of relaxation combined with excitement. The only negative thing about my weekend in Interlaken, was getting there. Interlaken is a small town located in Switzerland, and is nestled very just below the Swiss alps, and surrounded by two of the most amazing blue water rivers I have ever seen.
On Friday morning, my roommate/best friend Nate and I left Barcelona very early in the morning, flying into Milan, Italy. Because of Interlaken's odd location, it is only accesible by train, so we had to take a 3 hour train from Milan, Italy. However, in order to get to the train station in Milan from the airport, we had to take a 1 hour bus ride, which led us to miss our train. This was extremely frusterating and annoying for both of us, but we had to embrace it and luckily could catch another train in 2 hours. We took this time to eat our first Italian meal, which was unreal. I cannot wait to spend 6 days in Italy in the beginning of December, and let you all know about our experiences there.
After a 10 hour day of travelling, we finally arrived in Interlaken, and headed straight to our hostel which is named Balmer's. This hostel is commonly known as the best place to stay in Interlaken, and for great reasons. It is the only "happening" bar in Interlaken, and has a great vibe throughout the entire hostel. On Friday night, we met up with our 2 friends, David and Alex, who study in Denmark, Copenhagen, and indulged in a great French meal. After our meal and great conversations, we headed back to Balmer's hostel to change and get ready for the night. We decided to take it "somewhat" easy, and just have a few beers. Believe it or not, I ran into a family friend from Kindergarten in the hostel bar who is studying in Rome, and will end up staying with her in Italy.
Saturday was a day never to forget. We awoke fairly early (10AM) to a beautiful day, and booked our Paraglyding adventures. This was fantastic, as we ran down a steep hill and off a cliff, and enjoy about 20 minutes of hangglyding over one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The views were breathtaking, with the combinations of the snowy mountains, the remainder of the fall colors in the greenery, and the gorgeous blue clear lakes surrounding the town. Again, I will be sure to post pictures on the website, and show you when I get home. After Paraglyding, we decided to rent scooters, which are basically slower motorcycles, and explore the town and surrounding towns of Interlaken. This was a great experience, however not the safest of decisions. We were actually driving on the main windy roads of a town, but I made it back in 1 piece(barely.) Saturday night was mellow, we ate at an Italian restaurant, and hung out at the hostel playing card games. However, we were almost forced to leave the hostel as we were too loud, but it all worked out. We ended up hanging out with people we met at the hostel, and meeting new friends. It was an awesome change of nightlife than Barcelona, and definately more low key.
Now to Sunday, one of the best days of the trip thus far, and possibly of my entire life. I decided to part ways with my friends, and go on a solo excursion to Yungfrau, the highest point in Europe, which is completely snow filled and contains glaciers upon glaciers. In order to reach Yungfrau, I had to take a 2 1/2 hour train ride EACH WAY, which was not easy to do by myself. However, upon arrival I knew it was the best decision. I have never experienced such beautiful scenic views, and felt so peaceful. I can honestly say that it was the first time in which I was able to reflect on my journies abroad thus far, and of my life. PLEASE be sure to ask me to see the pictures of my adventures to Yungfrau, and it was one of the most meaningful/special moments of the trip, and I would love to show you the scenic views. Also, it was the first alone time I have had since living abroad, and GOD did it feel good.
Sunday night, we ate our one and only traditional Swiss meal, which consisted of cheese fondue. I can say that it was not one of my favorite meals, but we HAD to try it. Sunday night, Nate, Alex, and I, spent the entire night drinking beers and sharing stories and experiences thus far, and it was great to relive some of the best moments of my lives. Monday morning was spent spending lots of money on gifts for my family/friends, and then off to our 10 hour journey back to Barcelona.
Tonight, Tuesday, was our final soccer game, in which we lost 4-3. Our team, LOS MARTILLOS, came in second place. It was great being able to compete in a sport in which is so important to the culture here in Spain, and all of Europe. Believe it or not, this week is extremely short here in Barcelona, as I head to Paris, France on Thursday night for the weekend. I am really excited to travel to Paris, as I will meet up with several friends I have met throughout my travels and hear in Barcelona. I will be sure to write another update after my weekend.
On a scholastic note, I am doing FANTASTIC in school here, which is surprising due to the minimal effort I have had to put forth thus far. However, I am always an active participator in class, and my teachers know that I put the work in when needed.
Proud of Arianna for passing her driving test, wish I could be there with her. Miss everyone. See you all, or most of you, in almost a month.

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